In Las Tunas

In Las Tunas

City of Las Tunas City of Las Tunas Sculpture Fountain of the Antilles First church Park Park Colonial patio Recently included in the international tourism scenario of the largest of the West Indies, the province of Las Tunas covers 6 584 km2 of the northeastern portion of the Island and has more than 35 absolutely virgin beaches in its 265 kilometers of irregular coasts. The production of sugar and the cattle raising activity are the two main economic pillars of this territory, of which there are historic references since 1510. The region started to be slowly populated only after the second half of the XVIII century. The city of Las Tunas was founded in 1759 and constitutes today a city that is considered the capital of sculpting in Cuba, since there are in its little more than 600 km2 of surface some 70 monumental and environmental works. There are many places of importance in this province that are closely related to the Cuban war of independence started in the XIX century.

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