Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

13,82 €


Club Cienfuegos dance classes Program:


Next to the sea, in the Punta Gorda area, is the Cienfuegos Club. Located in one of the most beautiful settings in the city.
We propose you dance classes. Learn salsa lessons, traditional or folk dances on our terrace, each lesson lasts 25 minutes.


Welcome cocktail and souvenir (allegorical to the facility or Havana)

Departure days: Everyday

Time: From 9:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs

If you are not staying at the hotel that you select as pick up, please write in remarks a telephone number where we can contact you in case of variations.

Pick up times may vary up to 30 minutes regarding the number of hotels to pick up clients for the excursion.

The transfer of this excursion does not stop at private houses, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.




Club Cienfuegos dance classes Program:


Next to the sea, in the Punta Gorda area, is the Cienfuegos Club. Located in one of the most beautiful settings in the city.
We propose you dance classes. Learn salsa lessons, traditional or folk dances on our terrace, each lesson lasts 25 minutes.


Welcome cocktail and souvenir (allegorical to the facility or Havana)

Departure days: Everyday

Time: From 9:00 hrs to 16:00 hrs

If you are not staying at the hotel that you select as pick up, please write in remarks a telephone number where we can contact you in case of variations.

Pick up times may vary up to 30 minutes regarding the number of hotels to pick up clients for the excursion.

The transfer of this excursion does not stop at private houses, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.



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Felder mit Stern (*) müssen ausgefüllt werden.

Hinweis: Der angegebene Preis ist nicht der Endpreis. Später wird der Gesamtpreis abhängig von der gewählten Zahlungsmethode angezeigt.

13,82 €
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Reservations to Cuba