Ab Cayo Coco & Guillermo

Ab Cayo Coco & Guillermo

Dies ist die Gruppe von Keys, Inseln und Inselchen, die von den Spaniern zwischen 1513 und 1514 als Jardines del Rey zu Ehren des Katholiken Fernando getauft wurden. Cayo Coco und Cayo Guillermo, zwei der bekanntesten, sind großartige Landschaften, um Wassersport zu treiben, zu tauchen oder an den kristallklaren Stränden zu schwimmen. Die Vegetation dort ist auch reichlich und viele Flamingos können gesehen werden.

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Bootsabenteuer (ab Cayo Coco)

Programm: Von Ihnen gefahrene Bootsfahrt durch die Südkanäle von Cayo Guillermo.Eintauchen in den Pargo-Kanal. Abholung vom Hotel Transfer zum nautischen Punkt in Cayo Guillermo und Besteigung des selbstgeführten Schnellboots Ausflug mit Schnellboot durch natürliche Kanäle und Mangroven von Cayo Guillermo. Hierbei folgen Sie Ihrem Führer durch die schönen und sicheren Strecken. Zeit zum Schnorcheln und zum Genuss der Unterwasserfauna und -flora. Ein Getränk am Ende des Bootsfahrt (inbegriffen) Rückkehr zum Hotel. Ausflugstage: TäglichAbfahrtszeit: 7:30 Uhr

41,18 €
Sun Cruise from Jardines del Rey

Board a catamaran at the "Aguas Tranquilas" Marina for a spectacular day with open bar. Snorkel the world's second largest barrier reef and swim at a pristine beach. Also, interact with the wonderful and intelligent dolphins at the Cayo Coco Dolphin Aquarium. Program:Departure at 9:00. Pick up by air-conditioned bus to the "Aguas Tranquilas" Marina in Cayo Coco, to board the catamaran. Snorkeling in coral reefs to enjoy the underwater flora and fauna. Enjoy swimming in a virgin beach, with the possibility to admire the surrounding nature and time for photos. Open bar during the trip. Interaction with dolphins for 15 minutes. Seafood lunch at the Cayo Coco Dolphin Aquarium. Arrival at 4:00 p.m., duration approximately 7 hours.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

118,04 €
Sugar, Tobacco and Rum - Jardines del Rey

Visit Finca Las Marias to observe coffee, cocoa and tobacco plantations. Learn about the complete coffee process and observe a tobacco twister. Visit a crocodile farm and take a boat ride on La Redonda Lagoon. Visit La Silla bar for photo time. Program:Departure at 8:45 a.m. Transfer by air-conditioned bus from the hotels to the town of Tamarindo for a visit to Las Margaritas Farm, where you can see tobacco, cocoa and coffee plantations. Appreciation of the whole coffee process, from roasting, grinding and tasting. Exhibition in the farm of a tobacco twister. Visit to the city of Morón with free time. Visit to the sugar mill ̈Patria o Muerte ̈ with locomotive ride to Rancho Palma restaurant, typical Cuban lunch. Visit to the crocodile farm. Boat ride on the La Redonda lagoon. Stop at La Silla bar for photo opportunity and souvenir delivery. Return to Cayo Coco. Arrival at 17:00, duration approximately 8 hours.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

85,10 €
Jeep Safari Florence

Drive your own jeep to learn a little more about Cuban daily life. Visit the Manaca Arriba Farm in Tamarindo to see tobacco, coffee, fruit and vegetable plantations. Horseback ride through the farm and observe the cheese making process. Take a pontoon ride on the Liberación de Florencia dam. Visit La Silla bar for photo time. Program:Departure at 9:00. Transfer by air-conditioned bus to the AAVV to board the jeeps. Transfer by jeep through the pedraplén to the town of Turiguanó, where you will go through typical safari trails until you reach the town of Tamarindo. Visit to the Manaca Arriba Farm, where you can see tobacco, coffee, fruit and vegetable plantations. Horseback riding through the farm.  Observation of the cheese making process at the farm. Transfer to the Liberación de Florencia dam. Boat ride for lunch at the El Cayuelo restaurant, located in the middle of the dam. Stop at La Silla bar for photo time. Return to Cayo Coco. Arrival at 17:00, duration approximately 8 hours.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

85,10 €
Spectacular Ciego

Visit the city of Ciego de Avila, head municipality of the province. Also visit the Pauyet workshop-gallery. Visit the city of Morón, the second most important city in the province. Visit the crocodile farm and take a boat ride on the La Redonda lagoon. Stop at La Silla bar to take pictures. Program:Departure at 8:45 am. Transfer by air-conditioned bus from the hotels to the city of Ciego de Avila. Free time in the city, visit to the Pauyet workshop-gallery and lunch at Don Avila Restaurant. Continuation to the city of Morón for free time. Visit to the crocodile farm. Boat ride on La Redonda lagoon. Stop at La Silla bar for photo opportunity and souvenir of a bottle of rum and tobacco. Return to the hotels. Arrival at 17:00, duration approximately 8 hours.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

80,52 €
One day at Playa Pilar

One day at Playa Pilar, Program: Make a dream come true and flood your body with the crystal clear turquoise waters of Playa Pilar, the most exotic of Jardines del Rey with an extensive dune of fine sand over 15 meters high. Includes a drink at the beach bar, sun loungers, and a delicious fish and seafood lunch Departure days: Everyday Departure Time: 08:00 hrs If you are not staying at the hotel that you select as pick up, please write in remarks a telephone number where we can contact you in case of variations. Pick up times may vary up to 30 minutes regarding the number of hotels to pick up clients for the excursion. The transfer of this excursion does not stop at private houses, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

38,43 €
Sancti Spiritus & Trinidad Tour

Sancti Spiritus & Trinidad Tour, Program: Visit the famous colonial cities of Sancti Espíritus and Trinidad: Sancti Espíritus, one of the first towns, founded in 1514, whose historic center was declared a National Heritage Site, with several museums and the Parish Church, the oldest in Cuba, completed in 1612. Following arrival in the city of Trinidad, the best preserved colonial town in the country, founded in 1514 and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1988. In its historic center there are numerous religious, military and civil heritage buildings in a totally urban environment. conserved. On the tour you will enjoy various services and cultural and gastronomic offers. Lunch at a restaurant in the historic center and free time to explore these unique and timeless wonders, in addition to visiting the Manaca-Iznaga estate considered one of the richest properties in the area in the 19th century. Departure days: Everyday Departure Time: 08:00 hrs If you are not staying at the hotel that you select as pick up, please write in remarks a telephone number where we can contact you in case of variations. Pick up times may vary up to 30 minutes regarding the number of hotels to pick up clients for the excursion. The transfer of this excursion does not stop at private houses, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

105,23 €
Taste of Cuba

Taste of Cuba Program: Get in touch with the true life of the Cubans and learn everything about our culture, travel through the pedraplén and once on the big island visit an Antiquarian with a varied selection of antiques. A horse-drawn ride to Agramonte Park, where you will be able to witness a varied show with the Morón Teatro Group through the Reverbero project. Visit a central to see its thematic sugar museum with a steam locomotive ride to Rancho Palma and there, enjoy a typical Cuban lunch. Next, enjoy an exciting boat ride and at the end of a visit to La Gaviota Shopping Center where you will be given a souvenir, in addition to caneca and tobacco, a kind of Cuban Tobacco twisting and free time to shop. (Full time) Departure days: Everyday Departure Time: 08:00 hrs If you are not staying at the hotel that you select as pick up, please write in remarks a telephone number where we can contact you in case of variations. Pick up times may vary up to 30 minutes regarding the number of hotels to pick up clients for the excursion. The transfer of this excursion does not stop at private houses, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

96,08 €
We are Cuba!

We are Cuba! Program: Visit to the antique dealer, car ride through the City of Morón, enjoy the performance of the Morón Teatro group with free time. Typical Cuban lunch at La Paladar EL PINO ATREVIDO. Upon return, a visit to the shopping center with pairing presentations of different brands of cigars with spirits, coffee and chocolate, with the option of tasting a drink of coffee or rum with a tobacco. Departure days: Everyday Departure Time: 08:00 hrs If you are not staying at the hotel that you select as pick up, please write in remarks a telephone number where we can contact you in case of variations. Pick up times may vary up to 30 minutes regarding the number of hotels to pick up clients for the excursion. The transfer of this excursion does not stop at private houses, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

75,95 €
Cuba: sugar, tobacco and rum

Cuba, sugar, tobacco and rum Program: The best option to discover the real Cuba: its delicacies, culture and the warmth of its people. Enjoy free time in the city center and visit a unique art gallery where you will find amazing pieces of local art, made from authentic German silverware. Visit a sugar mill museum to learn about the sugar process and a traditional Cuban lunch. Also enjoy a boat ride in a natural lagoon to observe the mangroves. Upon return, a demonstration of Cuban tobacco twisting at the La Gaviota Shopping Center, with delivery of souvenirs (rum cane and a Guantanamera tobacco) and the option to purchase a drink of coffee or rum with a tobacco for tasting. Departure days: Everyday Departure Time: 08:00 hrs If you are not staying at the hotel that you select as pick up, please write in remarks a telephone number where we can contact you in case of variations. Pick up times may vary up to 30 minutes regarding the number of hotels to pick up clients for the excursion. The transfer of this excursion does not stop at private houses, you can select the nearest hotel and take the transfer there.   GENERAL CONDITIONS OF EXCURSIONS

100,65 €
Playa Pilar - Cayo Media Luna

Programm: Hin- und Rücktransfer Reiseleiter Schnorcheln im Korallenriff Mittagessen aus Meeresfrüchten und zwei Getränke Liegestühle am Strand und Zeit zum Schwimmen und Schnorcheln im Korallenriff nahe dem Cayo Media Luna Rückkehr zum Playa Pilar in den Schnellbooten Rückfahrt mit dem Bus um 14:00 Uhr zum Hotel Ausflugstage: montags, donnerstags und samstagsDauer: 7 Stunden

53,07 €
Ausflug ins Korallenriff im Boot mit Außenbordmotor

Programm: Abfahrt vom Hotelstrand zum Korallenriff (gemäß dem vom Kunden gewünschten Zeitplan). Freitauchen (Schnorcheln). Einschiffungspunkte: direkt an den Stränden des Hotels in Cayo Coco und Cayo Guillermo Ausflugstage: TäglichKapazität: Je nach BootDauer: 2 Stunden

20,13 €
Halbtägiger privater Yachtcharter

Programm: Sie wählen die Route und die auszuführenden Aktivitäten. Es kann nach Ihren Wünschen gemacht werden: Schnorcheln in Korallenriffen Besuch der Strände unserer Küste Angeln oder andere Aktivitäten an der Küste Ausflugstage: TäglichDauer: 4 StundenBoot (bis zu 4 PAX) / Zuschlag pro PAX ab 5

356,85 €
Ganztägiger privater Yachtcharter

Programm: Sie wählen die Route und die auszuführenden Aktivitäten. Es kann nach Ihren Wünschen gemacht werden: Schnorcheln in Korallenriffen Besuch der Strände unserer Küste Angeln oder andere Aktivitäten an der Küste Ausflugstage: TäglichDauer: 7 StundenBoot (bis zu 5 PAX) / Zuschlag pro PAX ab 6

530,70 €
Bad mit Delfinen

Programm: Dieses moderne Delphinarium befindet sich am Eingang von Cayo Guillermo und ermöglicht es Ihnen, die schöne Erfahrung des Teilens mit einer der sensibelsten und intelligentesten Arten des Tierreichs zu erleben: dem Delphin. Sie werden die Möglichkeit haben, ihre Haut zu streicheln und zu fühlen, mit ihnen zu spielen und ihre erstaunlichen Fähigkeiten zu beobachten. Dies und mehr werden Sie bei Ihrem Besuch miterleben. Ausflugstage: montags und samstagsDauer: eine halbe Stunde

105,23 €
Jeep On

Programm: Es ist eine Exkursion, die Natur und Abenteuer verbindet. Man beginnt mit einer Bootsfahrt südlich von Cayo Guillermo und fährt weiter auf dem Landweg bis zum Großen Feuchtgebiet des Nordens von Ciego de Ávila. Weitere Attraktionspunkte innerhalb der Route sind die Stadt Morón, touristische Einrichtungen und ein Krokodilschutz- und Reproduktionszentrum. Ausflugstage: TäglichMindestteilnehmerzahl für die Tour: 3 Personen4 Personen-Jeep

105,23 €
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Las mejores oferta de excursiones en Cuba, visitas a sitios de interés, actividades nocturnas y la oportunidad soñada de concertar un encuentro con mas de cinco siglos de historia. Contáctenos: +34 918709717 info@flyforvacations.com
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Reservations to Cuba