Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

32,24 €


Tour Morro - Basilica del Cobre, Includes:
Departure from the hotel in an air-conditioned bus to the Basílica del Cobre, panoramic tour of the town of El Cobre, stay for one hour in the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre (Patroness of Cuba).
Transfer to Morro, visit to Morro Castle (World Heritage Site).
Panoramic tour along the coast of the Santiago bay.
All this with the attention of a specialized guide.

Acerca del Tour:

Departures: every day

Minimum 2 passenger

Pick up time can vary up to 30 minutes depending on the number of hotels to pick up guests for the tour.


Tour Morro - Basilica del Cobre, Includes:
Departure from the hotel in an air-conditioned bus to the Basílica del Cobre, panoramic tour of the town of El Cobre, stay for one hour in the Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre (Patroness of Cuba).
Transfer to Morro, visit to Morro Castle (World Heritage Site).
Panoramic tour along the coast of the Santiago bay.
All this with the attention of a specialized guide.

Acerca del Tour:

Departures: every day

Minimum 2 passenger

Pick up time can vary up to 30 minutes depending on the number of hotels to pick up guests for the tour.

Datum auswählen
Felder mit Stern (*) müssen ausgefüllt werden.

Hinweis: Der angegebene Preis ist nicht der Endpreis. Später wird der Gesamtpreis abhängig von der gewählten Zahlungsmethode angezeigt.

32,24 €
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Reservations to Cuba