Memories Cayo Largo

Memories Cayo Largo

Das Hotel liegt in Cayo Largo del Sur, mitten in der Karibik. All Inclusive 4-Sterne Resort mit 296 Zimmern. Ideal, um die unberührte Umgebung zu genießen und die idyllische Landschaft und den kristallklaren Meeresboden zu erkunden. Das Resort liegt an einem 600 m langen Strand, der für seinen stets kühlen weißen Sand bekannt ist. Empfohlen für Paare, Hochzeiten, Flitterwochen und Gruppen.

3 Artikel
Memories Cayo Largo - Single Room - All Inclusive

The Memories Cayo Largo is located in the South Central region of the Cuban Archipelago. The jewel of this group, which consists of around 300 keys, is Cayo Largo del Sur, one of the last remaining virgin points on the planet. Here nature was lavish in beaches along its 17 miles (27 km) of length. Prices per room / all inclusive Maximum occupancy: 1 adult + 2 children General conditions for hotel reservations

97,64 €
Memories Cayo Largo - Double Room - All Inclusive

The Memories Cayo Largo is located in the South Central region of the Cuban Archipelago. The jewel of this group, which consists of around 300 keys, is Cayo Largo del Sur, one of the last remaining virgin points on the planet. Here nature was lavish in beaches along its 17 miles (27 km) of length. Prices per room / all inclusive Maximum occupancy: 2 adults + 1 child (2 children in Junior Suite) General conditions for hotel reservations

140,01 €
Memories Cayo Largo - Triple Room - All Inclusive

The Memories Cayo Largo is located in the South Central region of the Cuban Archipelago. The jewel of this group, which consists of around 300 keys, is Cayo Largo del Sur, one of the last remaining virgin points on the planet. Here nature was lavish in beaches along its 17 miles (27 km) of length. Prices per room / all inclusive Maximum occupancy: 3 adults General conditions for hotel reservations

200,80 €
3 Artikel

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Reservations to Cuba